Thursday, March 31, 2011

Spring 2011 Garden

So spring sunshine has peeked its way through, and though it's a bit chilly out today, I think its worth showing off our tiny garden.

Raised Garden Bed

This was my Valentine's present from my husband.  It took some shoveling, some buckets of old compost, and carrying cinder-blocks across the yard, but I think it may have been the best present ever.

Hopping across the space-time continuum really quickly and here's some of what's growing!

Onion and Garlic Sprouts

We've got garlic and onion coming up in the corner cinder-blocks of our raised beds.  We couldn't go through a batch of it we bought and it started sprouting.  The tips got a little wind-burnt on the ones that I took the paper casings off to let the tips through.  Lesson learned: there's a reason they have the paper shell over the sprouts--leave it!

In our regular bed we have radishes, carrots, lettuce, and sugar-snap peas.  To give you an idea of just how tiny our spring garden is compared to our summer garden--

Our little garden patch

See that tiny corner of that tiny corner?  That's our spring garden patch, along with the trellis for the sugar-snap peas. And here are our baby radishes just starting to sprout.  They've been thinned, and the not so lucky thinned ones have been transplanted to another small plot we cleared.

Just sprouting radishes

So that's the tour of our garden a few weeks ago!  I'll try to show these little guys' progress shortly!

Spring 2011 Garden

So spring sunshine has peeked its way through, and though it's a bit chilly out today, I think its worth showing off our tiny garden.

Raised Garden Bed

This was my Valentine's present from my husband.  It took some shoveling, some buckets of old compost, and carrying cinder-blocks across the yard, but I think it may have been the best present ever.

Hopping across the space-time continuum really quickly and here's some of what's growing!